Lloyds Banking Group AC + interview

  • 又申请Actuarial Summer Intern,去年AC没过,希望今年会好点~



    一 AC




    • Presentation

    • Strength based interview

    • Small task

    • Interview

    • Group Exercise1

    • Group Exercise2



    从三个选项中选一个准备5分钟的pre,提前在邮件里说好了,我觉得“should the penny stay in circulation”应该比较少人选,所以我选择了这个。


    • How you approach the presentation?

    • How you analyse it?


    strength based interview

    我觉得蛮难的,因为不同于你STAR原则就可以搞定一切的competency questions,这个strength based interview更考量你的各种能力,明年一定好好准备这种题QAQ

    • What is your biggest achievement?

    • Do you describe yourself include others?

    • Do you describe yourself enjoy challenges?

    • How to be Customer first?


    small task


    • How many motor cars replace by driverless car in the uk?

    • How does it impact Lloyd’s banking group?

    • How does it accord to Customer First?



    这个还好,就是普通的motivation,但是!我company researchindustry research没做好,有些问题答得没过大脑,没有结构。

    • Highlight achievements in your CV?

    • Why lbg?

    • Trend for insurance company?

    • What are the competitors?

    • Biggest competitor?

    • What is the challenges for lbg?

    • How to make lbg better for customer first?


    group exercise

    很有趣了,第一次看到两个是懵逼的,结果发现这个group exercise真的有趣。


    • 第一 保险公司为了become digital需要做的top5决策

    • 第二 保险公司和银行合并的top5决策


    • 为什么没有inclued branch

    • combine how to manage risk

    今年明显感觉自己Group exercise能力提升得很快,我觉得我Group exercise表现得不错,有机会聊一下~


    二 Interview


    1 从面试官的LinkedIn看他可能会问你哪方面的问题

    给我发邮件的是一个7年关于model development和actuarial change的senior actuarial analyst。他的LinkedIn里面写的是数学本科之前做过程序员,所以Paul就猜测他有可能会问一些比较技术性的问题,做好准备~

    2 尽量在company research和准备问题答案的时候想想你怎么能够突出显示你的uniqueness,尽量想想如何联系到就是你申请岗位的要求

    Try to focus as much as you can on the uniqueness of your answers and try to always relate them back to the role for which you are applying.

    If interviewers can see that you are:

    • standing out from the crowd;

    • showing an understanding of the role and the business;

    then you are in a very strong position.

    3 对于风险,可以从economy, sociology, technology和politic四个方面回答。

    然后就是调查,懒癌如我本来约谈之前是需要准备company research的,但我......玩着就忘了,然后下面是之后他让我下次准备的内容:

    • Research Lloyds as much as you can. Look at the annual review and the website.


    • Try to plot the recent history of the group, as it received a massive government bail out after the financial crisis



    Lloyds Bank returns to private ownership

    • Make sure that you know your short-term career plan, especially with regard to the actuary qualifications.

    • Building on the risk question we talked through, make sure that you have done plenty of research around the technological aspects as this is one of the greatest risks/opportunities for the financial industry.

    • Also, do think more about Brexit and the political situation in the UK as they do seem to be very focused on their local market, hence these factors will weigh heavily on the management team.

    Now to the individual questions that we talked through. My observations were as follows:

    1 Can you tell me about your previous work experience?

    This was a good answer drawing on your work at Huatai and the People’s Insurance Company. Do remember to include the ‘softer’ elements of your experience as well as the technical elements that you learned.

    We talked about you witnessing the conflict between business managers and the actuaries, and then the breadth of analysis required when presenting new products to the regulator.

    2 Why do you want to work as an actuary?

    You gave a good answer, just slow down the delivery.

    3 What's your career plan?

    As I mentioned above, make sure that you have this clear in your mind for the short-term.

    4 What's your view on the future economic position of the UK?

    I liked the addition of the sociological points around population.


    5 What potential risks does Lloyds face and discuss the impact of these?

    Use your research to build on your answer to this question.

    economy, sociology, technology和politic

    6 Tell me about your experience of leading a team.

    This was your story about being the leader of the communication division. The example is good and your inclusion of your reflections is also good. Try to deal with the Situation and Task elements quickly, thus leaving more time to talk about the Action and Result. Remember to keep your delivery calm and even.

    7 Tell me about your experience of working within a team competency.

    This was your story about the maths competition which was excellent together with your analysis of what you would do differently now.

    8 Tell me about what kind of feedback you have received in the workplace.

    Again a good answer but try to work on the areas for improvement.

    • Ask more questions for tasks to get more understanding - attendency to say "yes" to others; intimidate to ask more questions to things I am not familiar with - research more and ask questions - take a step back; ask questions: spending time simplified things at first

    • More programming languages: self-learning

    Lloyds Banking Group plc

    Which of the following best describes your, and why? Spending time simplifying things in advance, or clarifying things if people request it?


    Commercial awareness – Lloyds Banking Group

    • I think you have enough knowledge now about the business and how it operates. Considering that the conversation is for only 30 minutes it is unlikely that you will get into a lot of depth around this or any topic for that matter. Focus on the key points around:

      • The company’s history, from bail-out to growth and profitability now;

      • Its technology investment and therefore strong position to serve its customers economically and with excellence;

      • Its UK focus and therefore the risk/opportunity presented by Brexit.

    Career Plan

    • This was a clear and concise answer: year 1 focus on building a range of experience to decide upon the area of specialisation and completing the associate qualification; year 2-3 specialise in your chosen domain and complete the full qualification.

    Technology for Actuaries

    • We talked around this subject exploring the potential impact that certain technologies will have on the profession e.g. AI, machine learning. You can never read enough around such a topic, so dip into the Big 4 websites to find more insights



    • Positive outlook/attitude – use your exam example and how you coached others into being positive and addressing the challenge.

    • Analytical – actuary product review example from your internship.

    • Dependable/helpful/loyal – your example from Huatai where you would often stay late and help other team members to finish their work.

    Areas for Improvement

    • Becoming familiar with the actuarial language within a work environment.

    • Taking responsibility for your own learning and doing some self-study.

    • Learning to clarify what colleagues are asking before agreeing to do it. This is your comment about needing to be more straight forward.

    Questions for your interviewer

    • If it is Mike, ask him about his own story. How has he found it coming from an IT background. What are his thoughts on how tech has influenced the profession?

    • Brexit – ask him how well prepared he thinks they are. Remember, he might flip this back to you, so be prepared with your answer.

    Finally as you suggested, you should ask your classmates who were on the programme last year about their experiences. This might provide you with some more question material for Mike.

    I think you are well prepared and it should be a good discussion with Mike tomorrow. As we discussed it is only 30 minutes and so most likely he will focus on the classic motivation type questions:

    why do you want to be an actuary; why Lloyds Banking Group (remember that it is not just Scottish Widows); why this programme; and why do you fit the role?

    Remember the key theme that we have talked about throughout the two sessions:

    try to focus as much as you can on the uniqueness of your answers and try to always relate them back to the role for which you are applying.


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