SA 2 复习笔记

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    这里说一些怎样Expand Ideas的技巧

    • Key word + expand to a sentence + example + explanation relevant to the question. (what are the possible causes and what are the possible results)
      一般每个答题点都可以写一个关键词加解释,加举例。可以写这个点的可能原因和可能结果。一些非常明显的结果都可以。比如:新保单增加,可能带来利润的上升,但是可能会带来New business Strain, higher capital requirement。初期费用升高可能从而带来Liquidity risk,从而带来融资问题等等。
    • Use “assumption” to expand the idea.
      可以对一些题目中没有提及的条件做一些假设。比如,如果这家公司是Mutual Company,那么什么什么可以成立。比如,当提到股市下跌,我们可能就要对这个公司资产中股票占比做出假设。
    • How to tailer to the question: factors in the question + combination of factors in the question.
    • Relate to new product: little data / little experience to measure risk  such risk will be perceived as high / additional model risk (the use of inadequate models/judgement when valuing the assets ) / higher expense for training sales staff / higher cost to illustrate, higher risk of mis-selling / unknown potential target market / provide diversification from the other products (also apply to new channels etc)
      新的Target market也不确定,意味着未来的客户人群可能和假设不相同。
    • Analyze risk: can see if the risk can be passed on to customers. If the reduction is through with-profits business, the impact is likely to be smoothed.
    • Expense element of any type of contract should be matched by real assets such as equities or index-linked gilts.
    • When analyzing the market movement, can mention there could also have impact on other market elements (stock market  interest; etc)
    • Risks easy to be neglected: Counterparty default risk. Spread risk (for corporate bonds) Compliance risk Operational Risk.
      一些经常被忘记提到的风险:Counterparty default risk. Spread risk. Compliance risk Operational Risk.
    • Changes in product design / environment / target market although the company may have anticipated this and reflected in its pricing, it may have mis-estimated the extent as they have less reliable data.
      当产品设计,环境和Target market有变化的时候,要想到公司可能已经预计到这种变化的发生并且已经把它在Pricing中体现了出来,但是因为保险公司没有足够数据,可能会出现一些估计错误。
    • Some unexpected event happens。 whether this is one-off or will this become a trend? Need to look at whether this is due to temporary reason. So looking at trends is necessary.
    • How to assess for small companies / larger companies? small companies  risks less diversified. More need for reinsurance
    • If the loss is not borne by policyholders, they are borne by shareholders.
      可以提及不pass on风险或损失给客户的时候,其实实际上是shareholder承担了这部分损失。


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